Interior Design & Decor

Decorating For Couples: Tips for Finding Common Ground by Mackenzie Collier

Moving in together is a big step. As cute and romantic (and sometimes scary) this step may be, we want to suggest a few tips to help with the decorating process of it. How do you make a compromise with your significant other so they won’t hold on to that one thing you absolutely despise? How do you try and get your dream of having a velvet blue couch in the living room when they are not into it? We've all heard how the secret to a great relationship is communication, and that factor definitely plays a role when designing a new space for the two of you. Communication is key to finding the right balance and design when merging into a new space with your love.

Image: Mackenzie Collier Interiors

Image: Mackenzie Collier Interiors

With Valentine's Day around the corner, we decided to dedicate this post to design tips that will help you combine styles with your boo to create a functional space that represents the both of you!There is always a common ground between even the most widely differing styles. The key is finding it before you cause a breakup...

Pinterest is your mutual bestie.

Get to pinning. Both of you create a Pinterest board and pin every design-related thing you like: your favorite bathroom designs, living room furniture, bedroom lighting, art, color palettes—anything and everything you like, pin! Get ideas flowing so you have some concrete ideas of what you do and don't like. 

Share your ideas. 

Time to hear each other out. Compare your boards and (nicely) point out what you like and don't like from both of them. Look at the mood boards side by side; there HAVE to be common elements. Find them. (White walls? Good lighting? A certain color?) Make a list of what you have in common. Create a third mood or Pinterest board that shows only the items/qualities/features you both agree on. Maybe there's enough to go on with this? If not, expand on the things you have in common to find new ideas that are cohesive with what you both agree on. If you are creative enough, you'll find them without having to duke it out. Remember, this space has to express both of you guys—so be open! The more open you are, the fewer arguments you’ll have. 

Image: James Stewart for Mackenzie Collier Interiors

Be considerate.

For all the items you don't agree on, priority should go to the person who spends the most time in a given room. For example, if the closest thing you do to cooking is putting your Postmates order on a plate, but your partner is a part-time chef at home, then you probably shouldn’t have the first pick on all kitchen decisions. Whoever spends the most time in a certain space should get a final say on decisions involving that area. That seems fair, right?

Image: Heather Kirchhofer for Mackenzie Collier Interiors

Image: Heather Kirchhofer for Mackenzie Collier Interiors

Need a tie breaker? 

Still can’t decide on what should be done in the dining room? Let the architecture of your space be the final judge. There are certain color schemes, furniture shapes, etc. that just suit a specific architecture type. Research your space and the architecture associated with it and look at what works best. When in doubt, ask an Interior Designer!

January Design Favorites Roundup by Mackenzie Collier

This month, the MCI team started a new weekly feature on Instagram called “Friday Faves” in which our designers pick a new thing they are over the moon about. We post anything design related, ranging from a cool piece of furniture, a new design concept and even rad architecture. We know a lot of you may be a little busy to keep up with all the favs of the week, so we decided to make a blog post each month highlighting our favorite items of the month. 

For the month of January, we featured a cool throwback from the 90’s, a design to get us pumped for the warmer months ahead and a bedroom item that correlates with our love for nature and the outdoors. 

Urban Outfitters Chair

Urban Outfitters Howell Modern Print Arm Chair

Aleah's fav this month was this super cool chair that's an ode to the decade that brought her to us. This chair puts a funky-fresh spin on the pop pattern we were used to seeing in the 90s. Pro tip: pair this cutie with a simple muted sofa to give your living room or office a fun, cool twist. 

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Plunge Pools

Plunge pools… enough said! These pools are popping up everywhere and we can’t get enough of them. They are perfect for Phoenix and the perfect route when you don't have a lot of backyard space. Our favorite is the water tank turned plunge pool by Sparks Architects— genius!

Top left: Happily Grey; Bottom left: Her New Tribe; Right: via Hunting for George

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Anthropologie Kinsella Rattan Bed

As Mackenzie said, "it looks like it could have grown straight out of the forest and could be perfectly at home on a bed of ferns." The wicker rattan was used in ancient Egypt for baskets and furniture and then made a comeback in the 20th Century for tropical deco on Hollywood set designs like Casablanca and Golden Girls. Oh, and did we already mention how much we love it?

We Won Best of Houzz 2018! by Mackenzie Collier

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We won Best of Houzz 2018 for Design and Customer Service!

Great news, we were chosen by more than 40 million monthly unique users that comprise the Houzz community and from among more than one million active home building, remodeling and design industry professionals.

This is our fifth year in a row winning Best of Houzz for Customer Service and our second time for Design.

We are absolutely honored and want to take this time to thank the Houzz community and the many clients that have entrusted us with designing their dream spaces! 

Check out our Houzz profile and cool new badges here:

Southwest Christmas: Desert Inspired Holiday Decor by Mackenzie Collier

Not feeling traditional holiday decor this year? Check out these adorable Southwest inspired decorations and get into the spirit with some desert vibes!

Houzz: 3 Cozy and Calm Bedrooms by Mackenzie Collier

Mackenzie's very own bedroom was recently featured on the Houzz homepage! Check out the article below (we're on the second slide!) for a few ideas on how to create a comfy, relaxing atmosphere in your boudoir.