Interior Design Business Coaching

Agnes Art & Photo

Agnes Art & Photo

Groundwork For Growth Business Course

with Mackenzie Collier

4 Modules, 4-Week Term

*The first five people to sign up for each session will receive two free one-on-one coaching sessions with Mackenzie.

 Learn how to... 

  • Assess + refocus your efforts to avoid burnout

  • Build a business that supports your core values and fuels a lifestyle you love

  • Simplify systems, processes, and protocols: hiring, client & employee onboarding, and management 

  • Gain the confidence to take the next step

  • Minimize risks and maximize rewards as you grow

  • Increase profitability and create reliable revenue

$6250 Value!
Limited Offer: $2499


If starting or growing your interior design business is something you’ve always wanted to do, then let’s do it.

Agnes Art & Photo

Agnes Art & Photo

Are you starting to feel burned out from tackling interior design deadlines while also running a business?

Would you like to have more consistently reliable income and profits? Maybe even a vacation?

Are you struggling to grow? You know you could make more money and secure bigger projects if you had a team or a more professional office, but you are uneasy about the risks associated with growing your business. They don’t teach the legal, accounting, and marketing aspects of running a small business in design school.

I’ve been there. I know exactly how it feels. 

I’ve been through the trenches and learned so many lessons the hard way. I want to give back to my industry and help other interior designers avoid the same pitfalls that I fell into as I built my business. I want to see more interior designers with happy clients who genuinely enjoy running their businesses. I want to see more women-owned businesses who are thriving and seeing steady profits. This is why I’ve decided to share my industry knowledge with you!

Agnes Art & Photo

Agnes Art & Photo

My Founder’s Story

When I first started my business, I was barely making ends meet and quickly became burnt out dealing with inconsistent income and lots of low-budget clients who were super high maintenance. I felt anxiety every time I hit send on an invoice, worried that I would upset my client by charging too much. My clients were constantly haggling about pricing or finding loopholes in my contract. I always worried that the next new client wasn’t going to call and worried about how long this month's income would last. I could never plan for the future because I never knew how much money was going to come in down the road. I was even afraid to hire help because I worried I wouldn’t be able to pay them. When designers can’t grow their businesses, they remain stuck in a loop of smaller projects, unreliable income, and burn out. 

After about a year of struggling in my new business, I made it a point to start networking with other interior designers to ask them how they were making ends meet in their businesses, and all five designers I asked told me that their interior design business was NOT paying their bills—they had generous parents our spouses that were footing the bill for their seemingly established design companies. I was like, “OH SHIT! I got a $60,000 degree in something that is apparently only a hobby!” As an independent woman, I didn’t have the luxury of running a business that couldn’t pay my bills, so I knew I had to revolutionize the business model in order to reach my dreams (and pay my bills!). 

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I looked to other industries for inspiration. I attended business workshops for photographers, marketing agencies, and software developers to learn how they were structuring their services and pricing. I also got serious about my business data. I tracked every minute of my time, every dollar I spent and developed a system of reporting that allowed me to see how profitable my different services were (and where I was losing money!). I even worked with lawyers and accountants to evaluate my risks and close up any loopholes where I wasn’t protected. (unfortunately for me, it was AFTER I found myself involved in a random frivolous lawsuit that targets interior designers and AFTER I found out my bookkeeper had incorrectly calculated my sales taxes- which I want to help YOU avoid). By my second year in business I was turning enough of a profit to hire an assistant and a studio manager, and my business continued to grow exponentially from there. Every year I learn something new and modify my systems and processes and each year, running an interior design firm gets a little bit easier. Now, ten years in, I have built the business of my dreams.


Most Interior Designers who have achieved success aren’t sharing their secrets, which I think is a shame. But you know what? I never follow the rules anyway! So even though it’s a little taboo, I want to share what I’ve learned over the years with you. That’s why starting 11/1/2021 I’ll be offering this course for interior designers!

I wish I had this course in my first few years of business. I honestly can’t believe no one is teaching it! In 2020, while so many other businesses were struggling and going under, I spent my summer hiking in the mountains. I genuinely want you to have that same stability and confidence in your business model. I am determined that no matter what happens in the future, your business should be set up to succeed.